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I just wish my foolish heart would learn.
I guess it loves the cycle: feeling hopeful, then getting hurt.
This is the only time I wish I were hopeless.
Maybe the deep feeling of gloom would scar my heart
to the point of no return.
Funny enough, I am a hopeless romantic—what a weird word.
I just want the hopeless.
I wish my heart would unlearn the romance part.
I keep hoping, keep being optimistic.
But yet another butterfly when I get a ping,
another quirky introduction,
another guessing game,
another night staying up late,
another pointless phone call,
another gut-wrenching, nervous-racking date…
another failed talking stage,
another ghost.
I hate talking about myself.
And feels like I’m marketing my favorite color.
But I’m a hopeless romantic.
Honestly, if you should as me: hopelessness or romance ?
I wish my foolish heart would choose the former .
I wish my foolish heart would learn,
would take a break—
Like a break, not actually break. You know what I mean.
But I am what I am:
a hopeless romantic at heart.
Sigh. This foolish heart.
-Natalia Mason
Check out my other poems.
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